Ingyenes G DATA webináriumok
A kártevők elleni védekezési stratégiákat, az emberi tényező és a biztonsági képzés szerepét, valamint a G DATA vállalati védelmi rendszerének kezelését is megismerhetjük a következő két hónapban megrendezésre kerülő ingyenes, online G DATA webináriumokon.
A webináriumokon való részvétel teljesen ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. Mivel a webináriumok nyelve angol, ezért tartalmukat is angolul ismertetjük. Az egyes események az alábbiak szerint kerülnek megrendezésre:
I. Emotet, Trickbot & Co. – Current Cyber Attacks & Multi-layered Defence Strategies
Időpont: Március 2., 13:00-14:00
In exceptional situations, such as the current Corona crisis, it is easier than usual to raise interest in a malicious app, an infected mail attachment or a manipulated website.
“Emotet”, “Ryuk” and “Trickbot” are just three prominent examples of malware that have proven in recent years how dangerous cyber attacks on companies can be and how important well-trained employees are. If a hospital has to stop emergency care and postpone operations, if a city administration no longer has access to its own data or if companies are threatened in their existence by attacks on their human resources departments, urgent and effective action must be taken.
We offer this complementary webinar to all those responsible for the security of corporate networks willing to learn more about current cyber threats as well as long-term protective measures to sheald against them.
Excerpt of our webinar contents:
– Current attack scenarios
– Ransomware / social engineering
– Malware report / facts and figures
– Security concepts
Our G DATA experts are available to answer your questions in a live chat both during and after the webinar.
II. Security Awareness: Strengthen the human firewall
Időpont: Március 16., 10:00-11:00
Empower your customers to turn their employees into the strongest line of defense of the company. How does that work? In our awareness training courses, employees learn efficiently and sustainably. Well designed didactic units convey all security-relevant topics.
Let us explain to you more in detail:
– IT security software is already protecting your customers, why not their employees as well?
– Why e-learning?
– Structure and design of G DATA Security Awareness Trainings
– Licensing model
– Administration of the e-learning platform
During the webinar, our e-learning professionals will be available in a live chat for individual questions.
III. The G DATA Administrator – Our endpoint security solution in an overview
Időpont: 2020. Április 20., 11:00-12:00
This live presentation is our offer to all those who want to get to know and understand G DATA business solutions better. An ideal and easy-to-understand introduction to the heart of all business solutions: the G DATA Administrator. This is where you adjust all the settings. No matter whether for Windows, Linux or Mac clients, Exchange servers, e-mail or web gateways. The easy-to-use interface allows you to deploy software, configure clients or take over or manage existing Active Directory structures. In particular, we take a closer look at the administrator’s options for continuing to optimally protect and manage computers in the home office.
Excerpts of our live demonstration:
– System requirements
– Structure of the management server infrastructure
– Group organisation & client management
– G DATA Monitor safety modules
– Proactive detection methods (Anti-Ransomware, DeepRay, BEAST)
– Policy Manager
– Mobile Device Management (MDM)
– Additional modules (Patch Manager, Mail Security)
– Reporting modules
Following this webinar, you will be familiar with all components of the G DATA Administrator. You will be informed about its modular structure, know where to find specific information and how to optimally configure the Administrator for the needs of your network.
Our G DATA experts are available to answer your questions in a live chat both during and after the webinar.