Ingyenes G DATA webinárium

A kártevők elleni védekezési stratégiákat, a tipikus támadási forgatókönyveket és az aktuális kártevő helyzetet is megismerhetjük a következő ingyenes online G DATA webináriumon.
A webináriumon való részvétel teljesen ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. Mivel a webinárium nyelve angol, ezért tartalmukat is angolul ismertetjük. A esemény az alábbiak szerint kerül megrendezésre:
I. Emotet, Trickbot & Co. – Current Cyber Attacks & Multi-layered Defence Strategies
Időpont: Június 22., 13:00-14:00
In exceptional situations, such as the current Corona crisis, it is easier than usual to raise interest in a malicious app, an infected mail attachment or a manipulated website.
“Emotet”, “Ryuk” and “Trickbot” are just three prominent examples of malware that have proven in recent years how dangerous cyber attacks on companies can be and how important well-trained employees are. If a hospital has to stop emergency care and postpone operations, if a city administration no longer has access to its own data or if companies are threatened in their existence by attacks on their human resources departments, urgent and effective action must be taken.
We offer this complementary webinar to all those responsible for the security of corporate networks willing to learn more about current cyber threats as well as long-term protective measures to sheald against them.
Excerpt of our webinar contents:
– Current attack scenarios
– Ransomware / social engineering
– Malware report / facts and figures
– Security concepts
Our G DATA experts are available to answer your questions in a live chat both during and after the webinar.